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Sunday, August 1, 2010

About Me

Thank you for stopping by my corner of  the blog world! I am so excited to be sharing some of my crafting ideas with you. But is a bit about me!

I am married to my best friend, literally my best friend. His name is David. David and I have been married for almost 14 years. During the day, I work as David's paralegal, and in the evening, David works as a Crafty Girls assistant! :)

Irene & David

David and I have 5 great kids. Taylor is our oldest. Taylor is currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Jacksonville, FL. Taylor left for his mission on November 17, 2010. Trust me when I say, this experience was harder than when he drove out of the driveway for the first time!

Stephanie is our only daughter and she is a senior this year. Stephanie is a varsity cheerleader for her high school & loves every minute of cheer!

Joseph is our studious one. Although, Joe can tell you any sport stat out there. Any name, position, team, whatever, he can tell you!

Benjamin is our quiet, yet funny one. Ben can come up with the silliest, yet funniest jokes! He is also our only "lefty".

Then bringing up the train, is Samuel. Sam has absolutely no fear of consequence and if there is something he wants to do, he will do it. I should have had Sam first to be able to keep up with his energy level!

My greatest blessing, my family.
This is my beautiful family.

Carole & Bob
I have to give credit to my biggest supporters, my mom & dad. I owe all of my creative desire to my mother, Carole. She let me sew on her sewing machine at a very young age & that opened a whole new world for me. My father, Bob, is my "design assistant" aka, he cuts all my wood for me! If I have an idea for a craft, I show it to him, and he makes it happen. Thanks Mom & Dad! I love you. 


  1. Thanks so much for following my blog, So nice to meet you. I am following you also. I tried to reply to the email you sent, but it came back. I am really excited to see all the wonderful things you do!! Hugs, Anne

  2. Hi
    Just found your blog and i am in awe
    you are so talented and gifted
    Thank you for sharing and
    God bless you and your beautiful family

  3. Hi Irene- I just found your blog- I'm in Vegas too.

    I'm your newest follower.



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