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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Knit One, Purl Two

Recently I have gotten back into a hobby that I have neglected for a bit. Knitting. And, for some reason I am in love with shawls this season. So, I wanted to share with you a shawl that I finished.
I LOVE IT! YIPPIE, it's done! :) When I saw this pattern back in October, I knew immediately I wanted to make this for Christmas Sunday.  
The red yarn is just stunning. The yarn is hand dyed by a gal named Mira out of southern California. The yarn is LaJolla by baah yarns. You can find Mira's fantastic yarns HERE or HERE.
It took me the entire two months to finish this, as a matter of fact, I was blocking the scarf on Christmas Eve at 5:00p.m.! But, I was determined and I am so glad I was! 
It is pretty basic until you get to the lace portion of the shawl...then a bit of concentration is needed.  
The funny thing is that I do not wear this like a traditional shawl. I wear it "backwards", with the point of the shawl in the front, then wrap the two ends back around to the front. The pattern that I used for this shawl is called the Holden Shawlette and the pattern is FREE on

So, here it is on me...
The picture is super blurry, sorry!
Happy knitting!


  1. Beautiful!! That is on my list of knits for 2012!

  2. Oh, that is beautiful! I would love to make one, but it would take me longer than two months - I have 4 young children!

  3. Fabulous, off to Ravelry I go!!

  4. beautiful!!....and not too complicated!......definitely a project I can get behind: ) .....


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