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Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Mail Organizer

Stay with me for a know that song by Eddie Money, Think I'm in Love? Sing it with me...

I think I'm in love
And my life's lookin' up
I think I'm in love
'Cause I can't get enough
I think I'm in love
It's gotta be love

All you 40 somethings, you know the song! Well, I can't stop singing this song because of this....
Are you in love now too! Dang this mail organizer is stinking cute! 
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the HEATHER BAILEY fabric more than I can tell you. 
We get sooooo much mail, and it ends up all over the house. So when I saw the tutorial for this mail organizer at Noodle-Head I knew immediately that I wanted to make this. 
This is the top pocket. 
And this is the bottom pocket. I did mine just a bit different in that I used a wider ribbon, and added the bow. I also used one large frame for the title.

Here is the original one that I fell in love with at Noodle Head.
How could I not fall in love with this? Anna also used Heather Bailey fabric as well for her mail organizer. And, the tutorial is spot on! Super easy to read and understand. Hats off to Anna!

Oh ya, one last thing....

Today was my Assistant's (aka Dad's) birthday. I just want to say
 I am super lucky to have such a great father.

I hope you had a great, get back to work! :) 

Linking here:


  1. I have been pondering making that mail organizer too! I love the fabrics you used and the ribbon and bows are perfect touches! Absolutely gorgeous! It's inching it's way up the project list now. :)

  2. oh gosh, it turned out so cute, love the little changes you made. awesome! so glad you liked the tute

  3. That's really cute, I like the fabrics you used and the little ribbon is adorable.

  4. hey, this is awfully nice. my teenage daughter totally agrees

  5. very cute!!! love the fabrics:) i want one!!

  6. Love your fabric choices and that ribbon looks really cute! I made one of these too from that same tutorial - it comes in so handy! Great job!

  7. oh that is just fabulous! love the colours


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