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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Same Calendar, Different Color!

Earlier tonight I received a very nice email from a gal, Candace, letting me know that she loved the calendar I made a few weeks ago...(you can see the post here)
I love this calendar too! I have one hanging in my "cubical" at work, and I love looking at it everyday! Candace wanted to know if I could make the calendar in reds, blacks and whites. OH, HOW I LOVE this color combination! So, of course, I set out to make the calendar in the red, black and whites. I loved the style of the original calendar, so I figured, why reinvent the wheel! So, this is how it turned out.... 
Ok, now that it is done, I really think I like this one better!  
I loved that I used twine in the black buttons! 

I love how the "month" card and the 4x6 picture is held on with cute magnets!
You can change out the picture monthly!

Can't wait to hear from Candace! I hope you like it!


  1. I would really like to recreate this for myself. Could you give me more specifics on the metal frame, calendar print-outs and where you go the flowers from. I know you used scrapbook paper, but is it a cricut cut-out or did you purchase them? Thanks for the information! I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  2. I am Slighty gitty right now!! It is absolutely perfect!!! You are a truly talented
    Women!!! Thanks so much for making a new one for me! It is going to
    Look perfect in my kitchen! Also you have been such a pleasure to work
    With I am ping to post a picture of it on my facebook account
    Hopefully this will result in a few more orders for you!!! Thanks again

  3. Great calendar, the colors are great.

  4. SOOO cute! You are truly a creative wonder Irene!

  5. Tiffany~ Yes, Cricut flowers. I will work on posting a file to print the months!
    Candace~ I am so happy you like the calendar! It is on it's way!
    June~ Thanks June! I think that the colors are great too!
    Hi Lara! Your blog work shows off my stuff well! You are the creative wonder! You need to come to a crop sometime! :)

  6. I wanted one on these the first time you posted it, now I want one even more! How much would you charge to make me one?

  7. Ooh!! I wish I had one of these hanging in my office cubicle!! We would love for you to link this up over at Fancy This Friday today! :)

  8. We featured your calendar from the Fancy This Fridays link up! Thanks for linking!! :) Hope you'll check it out and grab a featured button for your blog!

  9. The calendar looks amazing. Love everything about it!

  10. This is such a great idea. I have sheet metal sitting here waiting for a project.

    Thank you for linking up to Fantastic Friday. I hope you will join us again this week.
