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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Coin Purse

Today I had to run to Joann's to pick up some interfacing and I was looking around when I saw this coin purse handle...
I have made coin purses in the past, but I used the handle where the fabric is glued to the handle. I noticed that this handle was to be sewn to the fabric. The handle was $3.00. 

Although, when I got home and pulled it out I noticed that there were no directions at all with the handle, so I attempted it blind.
The first thing I did was trace the top of the handles on a piece of paper. 
I drew out the rest of the bag, totally freehand. The nice thing about this part, is that you can make the bag as big as you would like. I chose to make this bag about 5 inches tall.

I then cut the main fabric (red felt) and the lining fabric (cotton) using the paper pattern that I had just made. 
I knew that I wanted to add a little bit of embellishment to the bag. So, now is the time to do that. I just made a layered felt flower and a yo-yo flower. I used dmc floss to make the stems for the flowers and added a few buttons. Super easy! 
So, then I placed right sides together and used the handle as a guide as where to start sewing. I used a 1/4 inch margin. 
Clip the corners of both the lining and main fabric. Turn the main fabric right side out. Leave the lining right side in. 
Slide the lining to the inside of the main fabric, so wrong sides are together. 
Next, I stitched the handle to the fabric. There is a "gutter" of sorts where the fabric will go into in the frame. Once you stitch, the fabric does stay in place. *Side note...I did whip stitch the main fabric and the lining together before this step. 
Once I went all the way around the handles, I tied off the dmc floss and I was done! 
This is a sweet little coin purse. Not too sure I like the stitching showing on the handle, but I am so glad I made this. This was easy enough for a tween to make this. And the best part only cost $3.00! I had all the fabric, and now I have a new coin purse!

Total time to make this from start to finish...43 minutes. So, it is that quick little gift to make some one when you are in a pinch!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. How cute - the sewing onto the handle looks like a feature. You could also try adding beads... I want to try!

  2. I love your purse it is so cute well done. i found you on bluecricket party link. Tina x x

  3. That is so darn Cute Irene! I love it and of course, want it!

  4. This is as cute as candy. Believe it or not I bought these handles (they're somewhere) at a quilt show so I could conceivably make something like this. The girl at the booth showed me and my sister how to do it, but your tutorial was a great refresher - and hopefully motivator. Thanks for sharing. Linda

  5. Hi
    Thanks for stopping by Santa's Gift Shoppe Yr Round...I already am an inspired follower of yours..So Exciting that you were featured this week! Great job!! Take Care.

  6. I love this, and I really love the little detailing you added. The directions are great, like maybe I could follow them and actually sew something:)

  7. This is darling!! Thanks for the inspiration! :-)
    Nice tutorial. Anyone should be able to do this.

  8. Thank you for linking this up to Fantastic Friday. You are so talented!

  9. A nice and clear little tutorial! Thank you!"

  10. very cute!...what if you opened the handle and stiched it "right sides together" with the fabric...then when you close it the stiching is incased between the handle and the fabric just like stitching a seam?.....that would hide your stiching......Although the embroidery floss is a cute embelishment!

  11. Kent didnt write the previous comment....i did (suzie)

  12. You may find this hard to believe but I happened upon this post while digging through blogville, and just in time to inspire an idea! A very good friend of mine gave me her mother's wedding veil (from 1968) and asked me to take it apart and make something with it for her wedding. When I dismantled it, I had 3 rectangles of satin fabric, a bow, and a large amount of netting. I used your idea and made a cream satin purse, and gathered one of the rectagles to sew on each side. My artistic daughter created beautiful flowers out of the netting, and we pinned them on the purse. It was beautiful! The bride to be was very excited, and her mother was in joyful tears! Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  13. Sabrina! What a lovely idea! I wish I could see pictures of the purse! I bet it was beautiful! Thanks so much for stopping by.


  14. Wow, Really eye-catching... Very nice pick of very attractive bag. I really like these bags. It bags is useful for me. I like the clean design of your bag! It is a good post especially for the childs because all child are like this bag. I enjoy it blog. Thanks for sharing this colorful post. Good Luck
