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Friday, October 21, 2011

Sneak Peak...

While I am still in the mood for fall decorating, I decided it was time to change up the UGLY pillows that came with our couches that we bought three years ago. I never liked them! I loved the golden tan color of the couches, and I knew that I could change up the pillows.

Here are the original pillows~
See, told ya...UGLY!

So, after three years of looking at these pillows, this morning I made up two to replace. I have to make 8 total, two at each end for two couches.

Here is the replacements.... 
I love them!!!!! I love both fabrics so much!
I used brown wool for the cute brown one. LOVE LOVE LOVE the ruffles! My dilemma with this pillow, I need to make three more brown ones, so do I do all of them the same as this one, or make all the brown ones different? I don't know. 
I am going to make one more big pillow for behind these two, I just haven't decided on a fabric yet for that.

I was just so excited about this change that I had to share!

Happy Friday!

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