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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Birthday Party Wrap Up

I had a GREAT birthday yesterday! I thought I would share with you how I spent "my day".

I got up early and picked up my mom and headed for St. George, Utah.
(Just under 2 hours from Vegas)
This is coming into St. George from Vegas!

The first place I wanted to go to was Pebbles in my Pocket. I was there in September, and loved the store - so I was oober excited to go back.

But to my surprise, Pebbles was gone! The new store is called Dandylion Wishes. 
It was still a fun store, but not Pebbles. There was a lot of home decor versus scrapbooking stuff. It was still good.

Next up, we went to the BEST consignment/junk store - Urban Renewal! 
We came in the back entrance, which is the second floor of the store, so from that vantage point, this is what you see..... 
Holy Macaroni! Just stuff, stuff and more stuff! It was a bit overwhelming, but I loved every minute of it! 
Just the funnest junk! 
I fell in love with the blue lamp. Only problem, not one thing in my home is blue... 
Shabby Chic was everywhere!

After Urban Renewal, we were hungry. So, we went to The Pizza Factory for lunch.  
Next up, Tai Pan Trading. Have you heard of this store? If not, check out the website. Unbelievable! Great stuff and better prices!

Sorry, for some reason, these pictures just didn't come out right...but I think you can get the idea!

Next up, Robert's Crafts! There is not a Robert's Crafts in Vegas, so just kinda fun to go to a different craft store!

By this time, it was time to come home for my favorite dinner, ever! So, we drove home and I met up with my family at my parent's house for Hot Dogs & Beans!!!!
And instead of traditional birthday cake, I wanted Moose Tracks Ice Cream!!!! Yes, I know what you are thinking, "I bet Irene added some major poundage to her body!" I didn't is worth every dimple! :)
Last but not least, PRESENTS!
I was very spoiled. I have the best family and the best friends. Thank you to everyone for your birthday wishes and letting me play for the day!

I am tired today. I guess I am getting old!

So good night and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY tomorrow!


  1. So glad you had a great day! Hope tomorrow is more of the same. :)

  2. Happy happy birthday! Hope you have a year filled with the desires of your heart!

  3. Those are some of my fav places too! LOVE Pizza Factory and Roberts!!!! I heard Pebbles had closed months ago :( There is also an adorable little store off of BLuff st (I think), it has fantastic holiday decor and home decor. It has a cute little name and I can not remember it for the life of me?! Love to go there when I'm in St. George! Hope you had a great time!

  4. It looks like you had a great day. I don't have any of those stores or the pizza place you mentioned. However, my hubby took me out of town to a Hobby Lobby as my birthday present. That's a great store and I wish we had one in my town. I'm glad you had a good birthday. Mine is today, so we celebrated early.

  5. I left you a blog award. Pop over and check it out.

  6. I see we like lots of the same goodies.. I spied the twine, candle, ultra cool vintage scale and of course paper :) We don't have Roberts here either but I wish we did!
