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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Table Runner Turned Book Bag

Today I had many errands to get ready for the next week. One stop was at Home Goods (the best store ever....) to look for some frames. No luck. But, I did find a great deal on a silk table runner. I loved the pleats at each end of the runner. When I got home I realized that it was too short for our table. So instead of putting the runner in the linen closet, I decided to put it to good use.
I LOVE the pleats in the runner and I thought that this would make a great bag. So, I found some Amy Butler fabric in my stash to use for the lining.

Cut one end of the runner off about 18 inches in from the end.

Cut out your lining fabric one inch larger than the square cut from the runner. At this point, I decided to add a pocket to the interior for a pen and maybe a tablet of paper. I also added some fleece interfacing to the lining to give it some stability. With right sides together, sew up both edges of the lining.

I cut a two and a half inch strip off the runner that I still had for the handle to the book bag. I sewed both long sides together (right sides together), turned right side out and top stitched the strap.

Insert the lining into the bag, right sides together. Also, put the strap ends where you want them to go on the bag. Pin up the top, stitch, leave a 4 inch opening. Turn your bag right side out and this is what you have...

SUPER CUTE book bag! I love it. The chocolate brown and the pleats are great. But, the bag is missing the "cherry on top". So, I cut a strip of the leftover fabric to two and a half inches. Gathered one of the long sides, pulled the thread until the strip was gathered together. Sewed the bottom side of the flower to secure it. Sewed the button in the middle, added a pin back and attached the new flower to the front of the bag.

Oh, so pretty.

The book bag falls right at the hip.

I am very happy with tonight's creation.


  1. Do you ever sleep? I love tonight's creation too!

  2. I am in love with this! ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!
    You should come link this up to my weekly Thursday Making It With Allie Link Party! I think it would make a Fabulous addition!

  3. Found you from the Weekend Wander feature... love that you made this from a tablerunner! Very clever!
