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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The (Not) Forgotten Holiday....Thanksgiving

I feel so bad for Thanksgiving. The holiday is so neglected. There is so much ado about Halloween with candy, goblins and costumes. And, Christmas, of course starts getting attention in August in some stores! Truth be told, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the three. I am so thankful for so many things, that I can't even tell you. The colors of the season (OK, not here in Vegas, but everywhere else!) are so beautiful. So, today, I decided it was time to take a break from the Halloween and Christmas kits and make something for Thanksgiving. This is what I came up with....
Sorry about the glare on the pictures...I am not so good with picture taking. The turkey is made from 3 pieces of 1 inch wood and he stands about 10 inches tall and 15 inches wide. I hate the fact that pictures do not do all of our craft projects justice, because this is stinking cute! I think that this is going to make a colorful addition to the Thanksgiving decor!
Good Night.


  1. OMG Irene, I LOVE THIS!!! I love Thanksgiving too, and you're right, it doesn't get the attention it deserves! Is this project available for purchase - I would love to have at least one! Great job - you are so creative! LOVE IT!

  2. Thanks Scot~ The turkey is soooo much cuter in person, and bigger than what the picture shows it. Yes, this is available and he is $22. The kits will be done next week. I am actually going to think of a pilgrim boy & girl to go with the turkey.

  3. This is so cute! I love Thanksgiving, I think my hubby loves it more tho, just for the food alone.

  4. This is sooooo cute! I Love it!

    - Michelle @ Bunch of Craft

  5. This has got to be ones of the cutest turkey crafts I've seen! Turning it into a photo holder is genius! Thanks so much for linking to my Thanksgiving feast linky party!

