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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What can you do with 2 cans of spray paint????

Last week I was in my sewing room and as I looked around, I felt that it needed a little bit of color. I usually stay in the safe zone when it comes to decorating - but I just had this urge to jump out of the safe zone. I have an idea in my head...slowly it is coming out. So, I thought I would show you one wall that is done in the sewing room. But first, let me show you the before picture:
Don't get me wrong, I loved it before, just a little bit bland. is the after: 
I love this wall now! I painted the chair, magnet board, wire rack, clipboard and all the frames a bright cherry red!  
My mail holder looks great with the red. I put some of my favorite prints in the red frames. 
My mom let me commandeer the mirror from her garage, and with a coat of paint - looks awesome! 
I like the magnet board much better flipped up on its side.  
My favorite part of the wall has to be my print of Wonder Woman! My sister, Liz, gave me this print a couple of years ago, and I am kinda using it as my new color scheme for the sewing room!  
Aren't we all just like Wonder Woman???

As I work on the other three sides of the office, I will take more pictures!

Must be time to make dinner, kids are getting cranky!


  1. Ooh LOVE it! That shade of red is fabulous!!! :)

  2. LOVE it!!!

  3. Looks great! You can come to my house & spray paint some stuff if you want!

  4. Love it!!!! I would love to have this room, The "Before" and "After" are beautiful.

  5. Absolutely fantastic! I LOVE the red. It adds so much life and vibrancy to the space. Can't wait to see the rest.

  6. Love the RED!!! Can't wait to see the rest....

