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Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Church Bag~

Wowza....I almost forgot how to blog! Holy Moly, I can't believe how busy life is in the summer! I love it though, I wouldn't trade it. And guess what? I am now officially a STAY AT HOME MOM!!!!! I am so happy! So, I am sure that Monday morning I am going to wake up and the house will stay clean, the kids will be playing nicely and the Bon-Bons will be waiting for me! :)

After an awesome week in Utah, I finally sat back down at the sewing machine tonight and made a new church bag for a friend at church. She asked for the bag over a month ago! SORRY! I am sure that she understands because I think her life is busier than mine! My friend just recently was released as the Primary President and was moved to the Young Women's presidency. So, new calling, new bag.
This is the cute bag that I made tonight. I used all Amy Butler fabric, one of my favorites!  
Usually I make my bags 3 inches wide, but I added an inch to make it 4 inches wide just so my friend can add an extra binder or whatever. 
I made pockets on the inside with the green fabric. There are 4 large pockets and 4 pen pocket slots. My friend also asked for a divider in the bag. I decided not sew the bottom of the divider to the bottom of the bag, that way, if my friend wanted to put something really wide in the bag, the divider would move over to the side easily.  
The bag actually fits quite a bit. I hope it is enough room! 
It was a last second thought to add the flower to the front of the bag. It adds that little bit of fun to the bag. I am glad I added the flower. 
I will bring this to church with me in the morning to give to my friend...I hope she likes it!

Hopefully you are all doing well! I sure hope that I can check out all your blogs more now that I am a SAHM! :)


  1. Congratulations on being a SAHM! I love the bag and the flower really added to it.

  2. Can you share a pattern for this bag? I just got put in as YW pres too and desperately need a bag that will hold all the STUFF!
