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Friday, May 20, 2011

Just a little change

Last night I had my dad over to help me hang blinds in the two windows in our foyer. SCARY! I borrowed my neighbors really big ladder. Made my dad climb up to install! I would have had my husband do his, but the boys had pack meeting for scouts...he went, I stayed home.

So, here is my front door wall...with the really high windows.
I have been living here for three years with those windows uncovered. The problem is that around 4 in the afternoon sun pours in. And from where I am standing to take the picture, our main family room is behind me, so the sun really hits that room.

But what I really wanted to show you is the little change I made in the door wall. I figured that since my dad was up on the really big ladder, he could hand something for me!

Here is what I added: 
Doesn't that look nice! The red tin star is made from a real barn that had a tin roof. (That is at least what the seller told me!) The star is quite bit, about four feet and I have had this star for a long time. I love the addition of the star on the wall! My dad says that the first person that slams the front door is going to be beheaded from it falling. So, new rule at our house:


Time to get ready for the Crafty Girls workshop for tomorrow!
Have a happy weekend! And, hopefully we'll all be back on Monday.... :)


  1. Oh that looks very high! Dads are great for jobs like that.

  2. That looks terrific, Irene! I have a very tall wall that NEEDS one of those ;) Send Dad!!

  3. It looks great. I have a very similar star above my door. It has stayed put for quite a while even with kids slamming the door, so hopefully you'll all be safe. ;) Hope you have a great weekend.
    p.s. I am still ECSTATIC about my new apron! Thanks again.

  4. I like that. I've always wondered how to best decorate those big giant empty spaces and I think you did a great job with it.
