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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Outfit...So I thought!

This year I was so excited for Easter because I decided that I wanted to make a skirt for myself for Easter. So I found the pattern I liked. I then found the fabric I LOVED. So, about a week and a half ago I started this skirt. I finished it all but the hem last week. Then, if you read my previous posts, you will remember I had a week of sick kids. Well, Saturday morning, I woke up with the flu. UGH. I stayed banished to my room all day Saturday, into Sunday (Easter) morning. Needless to say, I made it to church....but my skirt stayed home. I was really bummed.

Well, tonight I finished the hem and I thought I would show you how this cute skirt turned out.
Here is the front of the skirt. I love pencil skirts, so when I saw this pattern I was drawn right to it.  I absolutely love the pink and black Paris themed fabric!
I really like the look of the wide yoke and the cute little pockets. 
Here is the back of the skirt. Instead of one slit, there are two slits in the bottom of the skirt. 
Here is a closer look at the two slits in the bottom. 
I thought of wearing a pink cardigan with this skirt.  
I also thought that this gathered ribbon flower that I made looked cute with the skirt too.

Well, this outfit didn't make Easter...maybe Mother's Day. :)

Linking this skirt here:


  1. It is absolutely darling! I love the fabric, and the pattern is so cute! Sorry about the flu- at least it stayed away long enough for the mini vacay with the husband. :)

  2. That's a fabulous outfit you put together!

