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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kitchen Towel Bag~

Some time back I was at Target and I was just strolling along the housewares department when I came across these kitchen towels:

I love the colors of these towels, and the green just caught my eye. Then, I went and felt the towels. Ok, Target....these are not towels, these are really pretty pieces of waffle cotton fabric. Cotton fabric to dry your hands is like trying to dry your hands at a truck stop with the paper that they provide to dry your hands with. I bought the trio of towels knowing that they would never make it into my kitchen.

So, tonight I pulled out these towels out. I am going through some stressful situations in my life, a crown falling out of my mouth is the least of these. So, I needed some therapy tonight and my therapy counselor is my sewing machine. The counselor and I came up with this.....

A super stinking cute bag! Those of  you that follow me know how much I love can never have enough! 
The cute little ruffle is sweet. 
This is the backside of the bag. 
I went to my button box and found this great yellow buckle. I decided to use this buckle instead of a magnetic snap on the inside. 
I love the green stripe fabric for the lining. 
The bag is the perfect size for a stack of magazines or books.

See, wasn't I right, these are not towels!

Great week to all!



  1. What a great project and super cute! I hope you find peace very soon for the stress you're going through.

  2. Great job! Love all the patterns mixed together.

  3. Oh my goodness! You are so creative. I love, love, love it!

  4. i was thinking you meant a bag to store kitchen towels, but this is much cuter! thanks for sharing.

  5. You are way too creative! Love it.

  6. OH MY HECK...I LOVE THIS BAG!! And you're right...those were never meant to be towels!

    Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!

  7. So cute! This was the funniest: "Cotton fabric to dry your hands is like trying to dry your hands at a truck stop with the paper that they provide to dry your hands with." HAHA and so true!

  8. Super cute! You are just so stinkin' creative! Thanks again for Saturday, I can't believe that I wont see you until May! Hope you were able to get your tooth fixed!

  9. Wow! I can't believe you transformed those towels in this pretty bag! You might have some magic in your hands!!

  10. Simply lovely. I just adore all of your creations!

  11. Definately not towels - but a fabulous fabulous bag! Love the ruffle - and great colour combination!

    I would love if you came over and linked this project to my weekly Round Tuit party at:
    Have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  12. This is wonderful, great refashion!

  13. Oh my goodness, so cute! I love the ruffle and that it's deep enough to hold a book or a couple magazines! Hope the stress dies down soon :)
