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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Flower Addict!

I absolutely love any type of fabric, knitted, crochet or felted flowers. I needed to make some fabric flowers up for a gal, so I thought I would show you real quick how I did it.
This is the style fabric flower I am going to show. 
Out of card stock, cut out your pattern. You will need three circles. I did mine at 3.5, 3 and 2 inches. 
Using the pattern, cut 4 of each size out of different fabrics. Also, cut a 2 inch and 3 inch circle out of felt. 
The first thing you do to assemble the flower is to put hot glue from the center of the circle, to the 12 o'clock position. 
Fold the circle in half lengthwise. 
Next, put a bead of hot glue from the center to the 3 o'clock position. 
Fold the circle so that the right edge of the half circle now is the middle line. 
Once folded, this is what it looks like from the side. 
Do this technique to all the circles. 
Now, take the 2 inch felt circle and hot glue on the petals, each petal taking up a forth of the circle. 
The second petal will overlap the first a bit. 
Continue gluing the petals all the way around the circle. 
Now do the same thing with layer numbr2. 
Now, start on the third layer. 

Then add a decrative button the the center of your flower. 
Now, take your large felt circle and hand stitch a pin backing to the felt. 
Now, hot glue the medium circle felt backing to the pin.
And there ya go! A super fun and simple flower! I love it! 


  1. What a fabulous post and what a fabulous blog! I'm a new follower :) Stop over and see me sometime at Well to Do. We're always looking for guest bloggers (hint, hint)..... See you soon :)

    Suz from Well to Do

  2. Those flowers are super cute! I'm going to make some. Thanks for the great tutorial.
    Susan : )

  3. These look fantastic! I will have to try it out!

  4. Those are too cute! I just purchased a pair of pinking shears so I could do projects like this one! Thanks for inspiration and tutorial!

  5. Very cute! I need some pinking shears.

  6. Thanks everyone! I love making these flowers, I truly think I have an addiction! :)

  7. Very chic! I would love for you to post this on my Fridays Unfolded linky tomorrow!


    Stuff and Nonsense

  8. Thank you Irene!! This looks like a flower I might actually be a to make!

    I stress *might*...I thought I would be able to make rolled fabric flowers too...but failed miserably. LOL

  9. Your flowers are great!! they turned out so cute!

  10. Thanks SO much for this tutorial! I have made TONS already (at least 5 or 6). Love it!

  11. Just found your blog.. What a great tutorial. Pretty sure i will be blog-stalking you daily:)

  12. nice tutorial too! Just a little confused with step 3! Why is it open again?
