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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Bags~

Do you all remember this bag I made a couple of weeks ago?
Well, this bag was a big hit at the craft show last weekend. It was the first bag that every customer picked up. Early in the show a gal came by the booth, and she loved this bag. She bought the bag for herself and I was so happy that she bought it because it feels good when someone buys your product, and you just know that they love it. Anyway, she came back at the end of the craft show and wanted another one, just like it. She thought her friend would like one too. I panicked. I hardly had anymore of the "cowgirl" fabric. Monday I went right back to the quilt shop where I bought this fabric. And...they didn't have anymore. So, I made it work with what I had....

I think it turned out just as cute! Thank goodness~

I was really in a sewing mood last night, so I finished up a bag for a girlfriend of mine....

I think that this bag is great! I love all the Amy Butler fabrics together! Hope you like your bag Tamela! :)

All in all, a successful sewing night!

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