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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thanks Betsy!

A good friend of mine, Betsy, came over today and we had a great visit. She has decided to sell the line of food storage called Shelf Reliance. Betsy came over so she could teach me a little bit about this line of food storage. I highly recommend this food! If anyone has the desire to start their food storage, or wants to add to their food storage, you need to get in touch with Betsy, you can email her HERE. She would be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Well, on her way out, of course I had to show her some of the past kits and upcoming kits that we have available at Crafty Girls. Betsy went right for the Halloween Countdown Kit..look how stinking cute her countdown kit turned out...

Great job Betsy! Love it!

There are still 4 of these kits available if anyone is interested!

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