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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Craft Time is Approaching!

As we get closer to our Crafty Girls workshop this Saturday I wanted to give you some helpful information for the workshop.

1. You do not need to bring your Cricut...we will have two available for you to use. We will also have over 25 cartridges for your use.

2. There will be a sewing machine for you to use.

3. There will be a computer & printer available for you to journal.

4. As with any crop, sometimes space can be an issue. Please think about what you are bringing and pack well! There are a lot of tools, punches, etc here for you to use so you won't need to bring those things. If you want to find out if the tool you would like to use is available, just contact us and we will let you know if we have it! You will each be sharing a 6ft table with a neighbor.

5. Please bring a cup with lid for your drinks. I would hate for you to antique your neighbor's work! Barb, this advice is for you :)

6. Maybe bring a light sweater...that sounds really silly since it is over 100 degrees, but we will be running the a/c and sometimes it does get chilly!

7. We will have lots of craft kits, card kits & page kits available for purchase. Most of these kits will make great home decor and/or gifts for the holidays. It is never too early to think about Christmas!

8.  Even though we are providing lunch, dinner and dessert, feel free to bring any snacks that you wish. ( I know I have a hard time scrapping w/o my hot tamales!)

9.  We are offering sign ups to you first for the October 9th crop. We will send the registration out to everyone else Saturday night at 7:00 p.m. So, if you think that you would like to sign up, be prepared to do so! This crop filled up fast!

10. Last but not least...prepare to have a great time! We are so excited that you have chosen to spend your day with us.

res ipsa loquitor

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