Check this out...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tutorial & Giveaway!

Hi there! Over on my sewing blog, Ruffled Creases, I am having a giveaway for this cute ruffled scarf! Super fun ruffles and polka dots!
There is also a tutorial there for you in case you want to learn to make this fun scarf!
Good Luck!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Well, I am alive! Can you believe that! I have been so busy with life that I totally let this blog go for a bit! I have decided to start up a sewing blog. A blog that will mostly be about sewing, with a little bit of this and a little bit of that. So, I would love for you to come find me at my new blog and follow me there. I have lots of ideas and thoughts for the new blog that I can't wait to share with you! So, when you get a second, please check out my new blog. Thanks!

Here are just a few things that I showed in my first post...

So, I will still post fun crafting ideas here, but anything to do with sewing will be over at Ruffled Creases.  I do have some posts that I need to do for Crafty Girls blog that I am sure you will love! So, stay tuned!